Beyond Growth Conference
Pathways towards Sustainable Prosperity in the EU
From growth to ‘beyond growth’: Concepts and challenges
In the context of the 2023 ‘Beyond Growth’ conference, this study presents the economic and socioecological challenges facing today’s society and offers a reflection on possible transition pathways and associated tools to move beyond growth in EU policies. The focus is the European Union and its Member States, with the global context integrated where relevant for understanding the status quo and discussing options. Following an introduction to the overall ‘beyond growth’ debate, also discussed in the recent ‘From growth to « beyond growth »‘ briefing by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), the study falls into two parts.
Notre prestation :
Pour la Conférence « Beyond Growth » au parlement Européen, nous avons installé un Fond de scène de 8 m en T3, pour le compte de VO Citizen.
- Location Mur T3 de 8m
- Conseil
- Logistique Montage & Démontage
Merci à VO pour la confiance